Joe's New Book - Now Available!
Better Landscapes
The Power of Composition in Landscape Photography
Learn to Make (don’t just take!) Better Photographs with Beauty and Impact
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Landscape Book Editing Videos
In support of Joe's new book "Better Landscapes" the videos on this page are in-depth explorations of the tools, techniques and thought process of crafting raw images from your camera and transforming them with the hidden beauty they contain - enjoy the videos!
Panorama Stitching and
Image Edit in Lightroom
This image demonstration is of an image in the book which can be found in the chapter on panoramic photography.
After stitching together four shots into a panoramic image, the big questions was if the image would be better with the colors and light adjusted and enhanced, or might a black & white conversion be the better choice. Watch this complete image discussion and editing demonstration with Adobe Lightroom to find out!
The Effects of Lens Choice on Your Landscape Photography
This video reinforces the book chapter titled "What lens should I use?" Join Joe as he presents from Grand Teton National Park. We focus on the importance of choosing your focal length and distance to the subject when considering the composition of your landscape photography. You'll be amazed at the difference feelings you can create!
Reshaping Perspective, Color and Light with Adobe Photoshop
This discussion and edit is of the image in the book chapter about "Shaping the Final Image". The question was how to adjust the crop, color and light to clearly make the beautiful mountain the focal point and clear subject.
By cropping (and a couple of other tricks, like my favorite “Content Aware Scale” tool in Photoshop) I made the necessary adjustments to maximize the size of the subject while still maintaining enough of the landscape to tell the story of the place and how the mountain fits in the surroundings.
Adjusting Color and Adding a New Sky with Adobe Photoshop
This in-depth video is of one of my favorite trees - a small pine that hangs over the edge of the canyon at Dead Horse Point State Park in Moab, UT.
For me, the coolest thing about this particular shot is the position you have to get in to make it work. In the finished image, the tree looks quite large as it looms over the deep canyon, but in reality it’s less than 3 feet tall! This image edit uses Lightroom, Photoshop and Nik Viveza to turn a bland Raw file into a beautiful photograph!
Fixing Perspective to Add Impact to your Primary Subject
This demonstration uses some advanced tools in Photoshop to adjust the relative sizes of elements in the frame to create more focus on the primary subject. See how an initially bland photograph can be adjusted into a wonderful image!
Using tools in both Lightroom and Photoshop, Joe Brady takes you from basic to advanced edits to adjust shape, color, light and composition in this in-depth, step-by-step demonstration!